We offer our clients a comprehensive service in the field of the world wide web – everything from website development to website maintenance and digital marketing. We used to say that if you don’t have a website, you don’t exist. Today, however, the story is completely different, because creating a website is just the beginning. A good website makes a good first impression on potential customers, but it is important that your website is also found by potential customers. For many years, we have been taking care of both our own websites / shops and websites / shops of our clients, which has given us a lot of experience and in-depth insight into the sale and marketing of different products and services. Based on our own projects, we realize that not only sales are important, but also the margin and return on investment in website development and digital marketing. With us, you will not only receive a comprehensive service in the field of web and digital marketing, but also advice on how to approach your online promotions and sales. With each client, we strive to offer quality services that lead to long-term cooperation and friendly ties.
What we do
Website and ecommerce shop development
- online shops with Magento 1 and 2 CMS,
- websites with WordPress CMS,
- online shops with WordPress CMS and Woocommerce
Digital marketing
- Google keyword advertising and display advertising,
- Facebook advertising,
- Instagram advertising,
- remarketing on Facebook & Instagram
Social networks management
- Facebook page management,
- Instagram profile management,
- other social networks management
Search engine optimization
- keywords and keyword phrases optimization,
- “onsite” optimization,
- “offsite” optimization
- logo design,
- business letters, invoices, envelopoes design,
- business card design,
- and other brand design (catalogues, ads, etc.)
Newsletter marketing
- newsletter email database management,
- newsletter and content design,
- newsletter optimization
Website / ecommerce shops repair
- Magento 1 & 2 ecommerce websites repair,
- WordPress websites repair,
- WordPress and Woocommerce ecommerce websites repair,
Web consulting
- website consulting,
- ecommerce website consulting,
- digital marketing consulting,
- social networks management consulting